On Marriage

Am I relieved that I’ve reached the shore?
Just enough to lay down, rest my furore
Or would I long to set my sail once more
Finding what I lost to the core?

Author's comments: This was done fairly quickly, in 31 mins during a work break. I've thought multiple times about capturing my early marital experience, but I never found the right avenue to express. It eventually finds its way through this stanza. Enjoy the reading.

Shall not a last love be of fireworks?
Thumping sounds
Blinding sights
Vivid colors

Well I found a comfort, triumphs over covers
Stable ground, holds more than rivers
“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”
Truth be told, does one find her grass to be greener?

Am I relieved that I’ve reached the shore?
Just enough to lay down, rest my furore
Or would I long to set my sail once more
Finding what I lost to the core?

The bling on our ring finger
He who loses no temper
A place I could call home
My finite epitome

I speak through poems and riddles
He speaks through frank and actions
I got my nerves up and alert, but
If he was a gas? He would be an inert

Fear creeps into my innermost
At times, life looks like ghost
And my mind would wander through the woods
Questions that shall not ever brood

This was more than a promise
Also more than a premise
Would anything united by skies
Be broken by lies?

Trust was the question I asked
How could I not, when fool lived through the masked?
But no words that he ever hatched
Was ever be a letter of wretched

The union I dreamed of was of fairytale
Mine is not, that I forever have to dwell
Wishers told me, “I wish you well”
Nine months in and I’m glad I fell